About Us

We take our service standards seriously

Quality Measures
Give You Confidence

We are serious about our service standards and our patients’ overall experience, and we constantly gauge how we are doing by communicating with our patients and through surveys. Feedback received from our patients provide key elements we use to monitor our quality.

When discussing quality in healthcare, we generally refer to the patient’s total experience and health outcomes. Gavin Orthopaedics knows efficient, friendly, and compassionate care is an important component of our success, which includes the entire office experience, from making an appointment to checkout.

Results Matter


Gavin Orthopaedics understands that quality measures give you confidence in the choices you make for your healthcare. Dr. Gavin has two benchmark surveys within his practice to provide feedback on how we are doing. We take pride in our service and pride in serving our patients

Patient Satisfaction

We are serious about our service standards and our patients’ overall experience.  We constantly gauge how we are doing by communicating with our patients, and through surveys. Feedback received from our patients provides key elements we use to monitor our quality.

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Surgery Satisfaction

Positive outcomes include improved mobility and decreased pain; in other words, how fast and well you can get back to doing the things you like to do.  Dr. Gavin constantly evaluates the outcomes of his hip/knee patients after surgery.

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Our Professional and Friendly Staff Are Here To Make Your Experience Exceptional!